Careers Tips

CV advice

  • Research: Find out exactly what the job you are applying for requires, then write a CV that exactly matches these requirements.
  • Evidence: Prove what a great candidate you are by including examples of achievements, evidence of improvements you made at work or problems you solved.
  • Two pages: Aim for a two-page CV. Any more than this and you are likely to be waffling, but any less and you have not provided enough information.
  • Proofreading: Thoroughly check your CV for errors and ensure that what you have written makes sense. Then ask someone to double-check it for you.
  • Covering letter: Always provide a covering letter or email to go with your CV, as it’s another chance to convince the employer of your suitability.
  • Recruiters spend on average only 8.8 seconds reviewing your CV. Keep it short, sweet and interesting. 
  • Volunteering experience not only adds value to your CV. It’s also something you can talk about at interviews. 

Interview tips

  • Look the part. How you dress and present yourself at an interview can make or break your chances of success. 
  • Do your research - Before the interview, it is a good idea to gather information about the company that has the position vacant and try to relate your experience to the specific duties of the job opportunity available.
  • Practice interviewing - Enlist a friend or a group of friends to ask you sample questions. Practice making regular eye contact.
  • Video record your practice sessions - Pay attention to your body language and verbal presentation. Eliminate words like “uh,” and “um.” 
  • Get prepared early - Have your clothes, CV, and directions to the interview site ready ahead of time, to avoid any extra stress on the day.

Using LinkedIn

  • Photo - Ensure your picture is professional and remember LinkedIn is not an extension of Facebook.
  • Headline - Make sure you include a job title and a clear description of your skills and expertise.
  • Check your spelling - make sure you clearly read over your profile before you publish it, get a friend or relative to check it for you. Grammatical errors can suggest an individual lacks pride in who they are and what they do.
  • Job history - Make sure you highlight your job history with the job title and a line or two about the job role and responsibilities, try to include your achievements and success in the job.
  • Recommendations - Many employers trust recommendations over anything else, try to encourage former managers and colleagues to highlight your key skills and write a recommendation for you.