Careers Advice.

All our advice is free, friendly and independent and our goal is to help you make well-informed decisions about your future plans.

We can help you to:

  • Understand academic and vocational routes to your chosen career
  • Research career options and expected salaries
  • Find the information you need to plan your next steps

You can make an appointment to see a Careers Advisor whilst you’re still at school. Or pop along to one of our Enrolment Events.

Book an appointment

Make an appointment with a Careers Advisor

Call Careers Advice: 0191 490 2216

Or Email: [email protected]

Darren Heathcote, Head of Student Services and Customer Experience and Careers Lead

Meet Darren

Darren Heathcote, Head of Student Services and Customer Experience, is our Careers Leader.

Our careers programme is regularly reviewed and assessed against the Gatsby Benchmarks using the Careers and Enterprise Company’s Compass Assessment Tool. Careers is also evaluated through curriculum teams and their Course Review and Evaluation (CRE) process and the colleges Self-Assessment Report Process (SAR).

You can contact Darren on 0191 490 4611 or email [email protected]