Media Level 2

Start Date

Tue Sep 03 2024

Day / Time



1 year


Baltic Campus

Do you want a career in film making or podcasting? Then join us and get the skills you need.

In the challenging world of digital media everything moves very fast, that's why you need to learn the skills to equip you not only for the jobs of today, but the jobs of tomorrow.

Get the skills and knowledge to make your work stand out, be noticed and get you ahead in a competitive yet inspiring field.

This course is designed and refined with our industry partners to ensure that we are providing you with the skills you need in an ever-evolving digital workplace or for further study at Level 3.

Validated by the world-renowned University of the Arts London (UAL), our one year, full time level two diploma is assessed purely on your creative journey and not exams.

All digital media are explored including exciting emerging technologies to challenge and broaden the skills of each student.

While working on live briefs with our employer partners you will be developing your confidence, you will be challenged and you will be building a fantastic portfolio.

UAL qualifications gives you the freedom to explore your potential, take creative risks and find the path that challenges and excites you, giving you the Employment Edge.

Learn through experimentation and exploration by engaging with practical and theory sessions, projects and lectures.

Get a solid grounding in a range of production techniques for visual and audio media using the latest techniques and systems.

You’ll find out how to develop ideas, work as part of a team, conduct effective research, plan projects and meet deadlines.

You'll also explore how the media industry operates.

You will be produce various digital media products over several exciting projects encompassing, videos, podcasts, writing for online content and photography.

These projects will allow you to obtain a wide-range of theoretical and practical skills to prepare you for your final major project of your choice.

You will also explore and decide on what your focus may be from a range of experimentation in subject specialisms.

The course will also focus on developing your communication and presentation skills,  and work on maximising your chances of securing a job or progressing to further education or training.

Baltic Campus