People power helps college reduce its carbon footprint

People power helps college reduce its carbon footprint

April 1, 2022

Today sees the launch of a new people power initiative which aims to significantly reduce our carbon footprint and improve the mental health and wellbeing of all our staff.

Called the People Power Initiative, staff spend an hour a day either on a rowing machine, bike or cross trainer, which have been specifically adapted to harness the power generated by the exercise as a source of green energy.

The new initiative has been trialled across the college’s campuses over the past six weeks, with each now having its own dedicated People Power Zone to provide power for the buildings.

One of the positives of the pandemic was the noticeable reduction in carbon emissions, with fewer people travelling to and from work and the decrease in energy consumption of partially occupied workplaces.

As the college returned to capacity, the buzz of staff and students back on campus inspired the idea of taking that buzz and turning it into a sustainable energy source. Director of Business Development, Ivan Jepson came up with the idea which has really been taken to heart by staff, keen to reduce the college’s carbon footprint whilst also having a positive impact on their own health and wellbeing.

Wind, solar and water are now more widely recognised sources of renewable energy, however the college is the first of its kind to use people power and adapt kinetic energy as a sustainable power source for their four college campuses.

“We’re delighted with the reaction we’ve had from staff who have really embraced the idea. Regular exercise is great for health and well-being and this has the added benefit of creating a sustainable energy source which helps us to help the environment. From Monday all staff will be issued with new contracts and it will be compulsory for everyone to spend one hour a day generating electricity in our People Power Zone.”

Ooops, April fools! Did we get you?